We help businesses develop skills and relationships that reduce risk, build common ground, and advance their social purpose.
SEVEN CORE STEPS: Systematizing Stakeholder Engagement
Our Approach
From project siting to investor engagement, we guide you in systematizing and sustaining authentic stakeholder engagement across your business functions to inform your business planning and enable your social license to operate.

What We Offer
Stakeholder Mapping
To understand stakeholder networks and who is most strategic to engage.
Executive Briefings & Trainings
To learn what to do, or what not to do, to engage authentically and effectively to find common ground.
To inform competitive differentiation and own your marketplace impact.
Responsible Communications
To align words with actions, stay true to your goals.
Issue Area Monitoring
To understand emerging trends related to your most material issues so you adjust course when needed.
Stakeholder Forums & Advisory Councils
To elicit diverse, critical perspectives to inform company leadership on its business strategy.
Policy Development
to inform areas of opportunity for companies to connect with and align with issue experts and advocates on public policy.
Materiality Assessments
Ensuring diverse feedback from even your most vocal critics to validate current and reveal emerging issues to hone your business planning.
We stay attuned to stakeholders’ views and act as translators for our partners on an array of environmental and social issues.
Want to explore how our team might support you, let's connect.
Partner With Us
You will have ready access to our team, working groups and webinars, reports and research. Our Corporate Affinity Network (CAN) helps business leaders learn from civil society leaders and their funders and better understand emerging trends and evolving social and environmental stakeholders' expectations regarding their business.