We’ll spend two dynamic days exploring rapidly evolving corporate responsibility and civil society advocacy priorities for the incoming Trump Administration. From Rising litigation to corporate greenhushing and evolving climate reporting expectations, corporate leaders face new risks and opportunities for advancing and protecting their corporate reputation and profitability in meeting society’s needs.
Following several discussions with civil society leaders since the November election, The Future 500 team will share insights into how donor and NGO priorities in the US and abroad are shifting in response to the US Federal election and global geopolitical realignment and the implications for business. We will then hear directly from select NGO and corporate leaders at the forefront of advocacy and sustainable business to share their insights, advice, and recommendations for how companies and civil society can navigate issues to advance positive change for business and society.
Sessions Include:
Future 500 Force For Good Forecast Trends: From growing geopolitical tensions and associated supply chain disruptions, to rising litigation against companies, escalating environmental activism funding, uncertainty in the future of climate disclosure laws, and much more, business leaders must tackle a suite of ever complex challenges to ensure a resilient and stable society. The Future 500 team will share our 2025 Force For Good Forecast, outlining some of the critical issues we anticipate confronting companies in 2025 and beyond, how NGO advocates and their funders will react, and how businesses should consider engaging to navigate potential challenges
Navigating Rising Litigation Challenging Companies on ESG Issues: Brian Israel, Co-Chair of the Environmental Practice Group at Paul Hastings.
Mark will discuss the trend in rising litigation challenging companies, from DEI to Greenwashing, offering recommendations for mitigating legal risk while protecting brand reputation.
How Associations Can Help Lead on Sustainability during Trump 2.0: Mark Nechodom, Senior Director for Science and Technology at Western States Petroleum Association.
Mark will discuss how Associations may be uniquely positioned to engage civil society to advance social and environmental progress during the Trump administration and how companies can support their associations in doing this.
Preview of NGO Marketplace Campaigns during Trump 2.0 with Glenn Hurowitz, CEO and Founder, Mighty Earth.
Glenn will share how his group’s “theory of change” is built to withstand political shifts, noting that many of their marketplace successes are independent of U.S. government action or who is president. He’ll outline plans to spur private sector action to protect nature, promote industrial decarbonization, and counter what he sees as growing threats to civil society globally. He’ll also offer insight into how the US Supreme Court’s Loper Bright decision influences Mighty Earth’s strategy.
Human Health as the Frame for Environmental Activism with Emmie Mediate, Chief Program Officer from Health Care Without Harm.
Emmie will explore how the interconnection of human and ecological health has emerged as the unifying frame for social and environmental activism. The session will help unpack how human health is becoming the foundation of global ecological stewardship and justice movements, from climate change and microplastics to chemicals and deforestation.