Explore our insights, spanning topics from sustainability to stakeholder engagement, activism to responsible investment.
Ask an Advocate Anything: Leila Salazar-López, Amazon Watch
Planning to pump oil out of the planet’s largest rainforest? Then you can count on a friendly visit from this seasoned activist organization.
Ask an Advocate Anything: Jennifer Krill, Earthworks
To Earthworks executive director Jennifer Krill, ‘business as usual’ is driving the world straight into a climate catastrophe.
Big Bucks Flowing into Climate Action
Temperatures are reaching new highs, and so is billionaire-backed climate advocacy. Fasten your seat belts.
How to Win At Climate Activism, From A Republican
Years of stagnation following the failed federal climate legislation in 2009, COP21 in Paris signaled a new era of energy, optimism and action for the U.S. climate movement.
In 500 Words: COP21 Stakeholder Takeaways
No, climate change has not been solved by this one agreement. However, from a stakeholder perspective, we see the Paris climate negotiations (COP21) as a success.
BP and Google Leave ALEC: Are Companies Finally Taking Climate Change Seriously?
What does a mass exodus from the controversial American Legislative Exchange Council, or Alec, say about stakeholder engagement and climate campaigns?
When Power Meets Purpose: 6 Ways Corporations and Activists Can Unite
Over and over, I am bewildered by the anger and vitriol that often divides groups that love to hate and demonize each other.