Explore our insights, spanning topics from sustainability to stakeholder engagement, activism to responsible investment.
FFGF Preview 2025
Preview this year’s 2025 Force For Good Forecast line-up and get a sneak preview of one of our full trends.
Force for Good Forecast 2021
Our indispensable sustainability and stakeholder trend tracker is back, helping companies navigate and lead on the year's most notable social and environmental advocacy trends.
A Force for Good Questions, Answered
You had a lot of good questions during our 2020 “Force for Good Forecast“ webinar. Here are a few of the threads that emerged from our Q&A.
Force for Good Forecast 2020
Minimize risk and find opportunities to lead on the most important trends driving ESG activism and advocacy.
What We Got Right (and Wrong) in 2019
We called it with CEO activism. Trade associations? Not so much.
Big Bucks Flowing into Climate Action
Temperatures are reaching new highs, and so is billionaire-backed climate advocacy. Fasten your seat belts.
CEOs for Voting and Against Executing Journalists
Companies are typically reticent to take public positions on issues, but this has been rapidly shifting, particularly since November 2016.
Amazon is on a Collision Course with its Stakeholders
Investors are asking questions about what is really going on in those warehouses. But the company maintains radio silence.
They Just Did It: How Nike Just Changed Corporate Activism
In the most incendiary example to date of the “brands taking stands” movement, Nike anointed Colin Kaepernick as it’s public face.