Explore our insights, spanning topics from sustainability to stakeholder engagement, activism to responsible investment.
A Conversation with Ocean-Climate Trust
We Catch Up with Ocean-Climate Trust founder Brad Ack on “climate hedges,” the debate around geo-engineering, and what he’d like to see in a climate stimulus bill.
Ask an Advocate Anything: Chad Frischmann, Project Drawdown
The NGO’s lead data geek says it’s high time we ditch the risk outlook and start seeing climate solutions as an opportunity.
Resolution Roundup: Shareholders Vote for Climate Action
Following the U.S.’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, shareholders in the nation’s largest energy corporations won several historic victories on behalf of the global climate movement. Here’s a roundup of notable shareholder resolutions.
Foes Turn Friends to Heal Oceans, Forests, and Climate
Earth Day 50 Challenge Unites Strange Bedfellows using the “Greenpeace-Walmart Effect”
Guest Blog | Shareowners to Companies: Take Action on Climate!
According to the latest Proxy Preview, a comprehensive overview of the 2016 shareholder season, this may well be the “Year of the Environment”—with a focus on climate.
How to Win At Climate Activism, From A Republican
Years of stagnation following the failed federal climate legislation in 2009, COP21 in Paris signaled a new era of energy, optimism and action for the U.S. climate movement.
Ahead of the Curve: Military Drives Environmental Action
The military is considered a bastion of conservatism by many. But the military’s approach to climate change is anything but conservative; it’s pragmatic.
In 500 Words: COP21 Stakeholder Takeaways
No, climate change has not been solved by this one agreement. However, from a stakeholder perspective, we see the Paris climate negotiations (COP21) as a success.
Guest Blog: The 4 Keys to Success when Partnering with NGOs
Businesses can improve their social and environmental performance and find new market opportunities through partnerships with NGOs.